ISSN: 2265-6294

The Default Dialogue in the Accusative Names and Its Impact on the Grammatical Industry in Purposes of Al-Shatibi (D. 790 AH)

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Wisam Najem, Hatim Eayed Jasim


Al-hypothetical Shatibi's dialogue was the subject of this study, which also looked into the book Al-Maqasid Al-Shifa fi Sharh Al-Khalasat Al-influence Kafiya's on the grammatical industry and grammatical structure, as well as the assumptions that underlie it. These concerns included (the factor in the preoccupied noun, the factor in the object, the precedence of the excluded over the excluded, the factor in the affirmative case of the sentence, the permissibility of discriminating by definition, Discrimination was presented to its factor, and the permissibility of building the number twelve). These presumptions were made to consolidate the grammatical idea as well as for education and understanding of the grammatical lesson, and to confirm the grammatical rule and establish the supposed interpretations mentally on a logical basis; this addressee is a partner in analysis and complexity, and that this addressee is AlShatibi; These assumptions were made to confirm the grammatical rule and establish the supposed interpretations mentally on a logical

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