ISSN: 2265-6294

The Effect of Different Demographic Variables on Mental Toughness, Occupational Stress and Mental Health Problems in Sales Girls in Pakistan

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Hira Khawar,Waqar Mehdi,Ayesha Ashghar,Mirrat Gull Butt,Ezza Mahmood,Hira Khawar


Objectives The current study was conducted to carry out the occupational stress investigation for the sales girls in Pakistan in order to identify the stressors faced by salesgirls in different demographic populations, and eventually improve the quality of working conditions for them. The demographic variables investigated in the study that had an effect on Mental Toughness, Occupational Stress and Mental Health Problems, were age, monthly family income, number of family members, daily job timing, and education level. Method The sample consisted of N=215 salesgirls recruited through purposive sampling strategy with an age range of 15-40 years from different shopping malls, departmental stores and outlets. The instruments used for gathering data were the Demographic Questionnaire, Mental Toughness Scale (Anthony, Saleem, 2015), Occupational Stress Scale and Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS) (Lovibond & Lovibond, 1995). Results This study brought attention to salesgirls' high levels of professional stress and resulting rise in mental health issues. Their advancing age and the timing of their everyday jobs were the main causes of their stress and mental health issues. Salesgirls experienced difficulties, setbacks, and discouragement as a result, making it difficult for them to carry out both their jobs and household duties. Depression and anxiety were symptoms of these mental health issues.

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