ISSN: 2265-6294

The Ideological Discourse in the Novel (Gardena)

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Nojoud Attallah AL–Hawamdeh,Muhammad A. Alruqibat


The (Gardena) novel by the Jordanian novelist (Abdul Razzaq Beni Hani) focused on presenting its discourse on the self, the other, and the fate in the community of the novel; this is what prompted us to choose it and study the problematic of its discourse with his questions. Was the novelist able to present the narrative imagery within the framework of the ideological discourse? Was he able to present awareness of the characters from the level of emotion to the level of collective action? Was the novelist able to achieve cohesion of the novel at the ideological and artistic level in the structure of his novel in his discourse? The study aimed to reveal the contents of the novel and its indirect speeches that achieved tension and balance to monitor inactivity in the community of the (Gardena) novel. Also, we benefited from the descriptive and analytical approaches in this research by focusing on the pattern of the language of discourse, its functions, and interpretation in building the novel. The research included a theoretical introduction in which it clarifies the relationship between the narrative discourse and ideology, and the concept of the term ideology in Western and Arab studies. Then, we implemented the applied study and text analysis to analyze the dimensions of ideological awareness that the study noted in the vision of the characters in: The national dimension represented by the condemnation of the local reality of Gardena and the fate of the present, the psychological dimension and the struggle with reality and the self in facing challenges, as well as the civilizational dimension and the fascination of the society of Gardena with the liberal, political, artistic, and materialistic civilization of Europeans. In conclusion, the research questioned the novel and revealed the position of the self in its ideology, as it is a cry to raise awareness among nations deprived of their will. In addition, we explained the inactivity in developing societies that suffer under corruption, and the dominance of the leader to make them obey his orders. I also indicated that the construction of the narrative architecture of the novel was based on: rhetorical variations, artistic allusions, and the strange and miraculous narrative language in: the names of the characters, as well as the events, space, and time; all of this was woven into reality and imagination, giving it aesthetics that led to the reproduction of semiotic contexts. The study concluded that the ideological vision that the novelist showed in the awareness of the characters and the problematic heroism of the people of the society of Gardena was achieved based on their vision of the world and their reality in the dimensions that frame the ideology of collective consciousness.

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