ISSN: 2265-6294

The Influence of Affiliation with Feminist Movements on Women’s Political Participation Before 2003

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Farah Hadi Abs,Falah Jabir Jassim


The present study aims to clarify the role of women in political participation and their affiliation with women’s movements before the change in the political system in 2003. The issue of women is considered part of the issue of democracy in its broad sense. More precisely, it is considered part of the issue of national liberation itself. It is the essence of the content of the issue of democracy. The participation of women in the society in which they exist, whether it is political participation or social participation through feminist movements, is a sign of the democracy of that society and granting women their legitimate rights without enshrining their function within the family. The present study concludes that women lived in a political situation in which there was no participation to a large extent. Women were also monopolized by women close to the ruling class. The election laws indicated the possibility of women’s participation and affiliation to the party they wanted, but the application of these laws was the opposite. In addition, the numbers of women with political influence were few. Political work was the preserve of men and the few women close to the ruling class at that time. The present study also recommends the following: 1. Paying attention and shedding light on the struggle of women for their beliefs in previous periods. 2. Competent authorities should increase the numbers of women participating in political activities. 3. Paying attention to women's movements, whose purpose is to defend women's legitimate rights in the Islamic religion and the constitution, and financially and morally financing these movements by the state.

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