ISSN: 2265-6294

The Influence of Marketing Communication and Customer Satisfaction on Purchase Decisions Case study: Atmosphere Resort Cafe Bandung

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Tuti Asmala,Dwirezy Fauzia Rohman,Rizka Nur Aisyah,Fauzi Malik Ibrahim,Lucky Zaini Muhamad R


This study aims to understand the factors that are predictors of individual perceived purchasing decisions, by looking at the influence of marketing communications and customer satisfaction. The research was conducted quantitatively by giving questionnaires to the respondents, namely 90 private company consumers in Bandung, West Java. The data obtained were then processed using multiple regression analysis with SPSS 25 software. The research findings indicate that marketing communication and customer satisfaction have a positive effect on purchasing decisions, either partially or simultaneously. This research also provides implications and suggestions for future researchers and practitioners in organizations.

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