ISSN: 2265-6294

The International Committee of the Red Cross’s role during internal disturbances and tensions

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Medafer Faiza


Since its creation, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has fought to extend the protection offered by international humanitarian law to victims of internal disturbances and tensions. These situations are characterized by armed violence and human suffering and they are associated with serious human rights violations. These situations remain the exclusive competence of the State. The International Committee does not have the right of humanitarian initiative under the provisions of international humanitarian law. The Committee found itself obliged to seek legal bases to apply this right according to its own traditions, in the decisions of the international conferences of the Red Cross and in its statutes. The right of humanitarian initiative, which remains suspended in condition of prior acceptance by the state, has offered the ICRC the ability to visit political detainees, protect civilians from violence, and provide food and medical care.

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