ISSN: 2265-6294

The linguistic efforts of Sheikh Al-Naraqi in his book Anis AlMujtahidin

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Zaman Kareem Mriyh,Ahmed Jaafar Daoud


The study of language is very significant in Usul al-Fiqh. Because the inference of a legal judgement is linked to knowledge of the legal language, the fruit of the inference of a legal ruling cannot be understood accurately and soundly unless both linguistic controls and legal principles are taken into consideration. Because they are so closely tied to the meanings of the spoken and silent words, the majority of fundamentalists paid particular attention to analyzing the significance of the words that were spoken and the significance of the concepts that were understood. Our Sheikh Al-Naraqi studied them in his book “Anis Al-Mujtahidin.” With this research, we will try to present the linguistic efforts of Sheikh Al-Naraqi in his book “Anis Al-Mujtahidin”

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