ISSN: 2265-6294

The Linguistic Semantics of The Concept Consolation (Jabr AlKhawatir) In Islamic Legislation

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Abd- Gawaad Abd Al-Hassan Ali Al-Baydhani, Zaman Hikmat Hamza


The concept of (Jabr al-Khawatir) is a compound name composed of two words: the first: (Jabr) as the reparation of a fracture and its completion, and it is a psychological relieving of all that afflicts an individual of distress, calamity, psychological frustration and what causes him to break psychologically, and the use of the word Jabr here in the term ( al-jabr al-khawatir) is used figuratively, corresponding to the concept of casting a bone, if it is broken and has been restored; And in the use of literary discourse, whether poetry or prose; And from the words of the poet Muhammad Shihab al-Din: Dear Sir, be generous and eat what you like delicious food: And please comfort (Jabr Khatir) of those who have mastered his craft and take something from it :And with psychologists, the researcher noticed that their use was limited to the word (psychological support); “Strengthening the soul and protecting it from psychological problems and disorders that cause a loss of balance and a change in the individual’s behavior pattern” (Morslina, 2013 AD, pg. 19), and the jurists have released their names, including: (charity, zakat, compensation, blood money), he said Almighty: “If you disclose your charitable expenditures, they are good; but if you conceal them and give them to the poor, it is better for you” (Al-Baqarah: 271). As for sociologists, the term (social solidarity), which includes means of solidarity between members of society, this term is also placed as a description of cases where the wounds of the soul have been bred and restored, for refraction is not limited to materialism only, but its use goes beyond metaphorical use in the launch, so it says:

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