ISSN: 2265-6294

The Nenemo Philosophy of the West Tulang Bawang Community as a Media for Conflict Resolution and Local Politics

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Arsyad Sobby Kesuma, Gesit Yuda, Mezan el-Khaeri Kesuma


This scientific study is intended to examine in depth and comprehensively the form of the epistemological aspect of the Nenemo philosophy, the urgency of the Nenemo philosophy of the West Tulang Bawang community as a media for conflict resolution and local politics. This type of field research leads to naturalistic research, the nature of qualitative research, primary data sources with purposive sampling as the key informants can be representative and data processing methods obtained from observations, interviews, and documentation from community leaders and cultural experts. The data analysis method is inductive with the stages of reduction, data presentation, and data verification. Nenemo's philosophy itself has a philosophy of a multicultural society by reflecting hard work, nemen which means earnest, nedes which means resilient, and nerimo means sincerely accepting God's gift. In conflict resolution, as in the West Tulang Bawang community, the actual Nenemo philosophy values in applying customary law are also implemented in local law enforcement. Nenemo's philosophy has values and essential human values, reflecting the hardworking and socialist character. Therefore, it is very relevant to actualization as a model in local political development as this distinctive culture is to strive for the civilization of ethnic communities in the challenges of the times. This component is related to exemplary leadership and pioneering, which is carried out by not abandoning lofty ideals based on values born of conscience.

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