Volume -14 | Issue -6
Volume -14 | Issue -6
Volume -14 | Issue -6
Volume -14 | Issue -6
Volume -14 | Issue -6
The 2018 general education program clearly defines the requirements for deep integration in the lower grades and gradual differentiation in the upper grades, therefore, the lower secondary school program is designed with integrated teaching contents associated with relevant topics. related fields of science. Specifically in the program of implementing two subjects History and Geography and the natural science are integrated subjects to take. Faced with the requirements of integrated teaching, teachers need to be fostered with competencies to effectively implement this teaching activity. To foster teachers, it is necessary to build a process suitable for the stages to ensure logic, clarity, and science. The process of organizing the training of integrated teaching capacity for teachers is built on the basis of guiding documents on fostering activities of the Vietnam Ministry of Education and Training, Department of Education and Training. The process consists of five steps: Assess the current capacity of teachers and identify training needs; Determine training goals; Selection of training content; Determine the conditions for organizing the training and conducting the training; Check and evaluate the results after training.From the above circumstances, it is clear that responsibilities and actual actions are required for the development and cultivation of educational human resources at the lower secondary level.