ISSN: 2265-6294

The quality of blended education and its relationship to the teaching competencies of Arabic language teachers and female teachers

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Ahmed Kadhim Hammood Al-Saidi,Hamzah Hashim Mhaimeed Al-Sultani


The aim of the current research is to find out: Correlational relationship between the quality of blended education and the teaching competencies of male and female Arabic language teachers in the preparatory stageIn order to achieve the goal of the current research, it required the availability of two tools to measure the quality of blended education and teaching competencies, as the researcher built a scale of blended education quality, as the scale consisted of (45) items, and the response to the items of the scale consisted of five alternatives: (always, often, sometimes, rarely). The highest degree of the scale was (225) degrees and the lowest degree reached (45) degrees, with a hypothetical average of (135) degrees. As for the teaching competencies, the researcher prepared a note card consisting of (47) items based on the constructivist cognitive theory Five alternatives, and the key to correction is (1,2,3,4,5) as the lowest score obtained by the respondent is (47) and the highest score obtained by the respondent is (235).

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