Volume -15 | Issue -1
Volume -14 | Issue -6
Volume -14 | Issue -6
Volume -14 | Issue -6
Volume -14 | Issue -6
The education sector also received a significant impact during the outbreak of COVID19 epidemic, including in higher education institutions. A study on the level of readiness of students of Malaysian institutions of higher learning towards the use of mobile application has been measured in this study. This is because the face-to-face teaching and learning process needs to be changed to virtual to ensure the process continues throughout the social imprisonment period. A total of 79 students of Malaysian institutions of higher learning in 2020 have been the subject of the study. Using a questionnaire instrument distributed online through google form, this study has received feedback from respondents. During the implementation of the online teaching and learning process, researchers have studied the level of readiness to use mobile learning application among students. Data were analyzed with the help of descriptive statistical techniques by IBM SPSS Statistics software version 26.0. The results of descriptive analysis show that respondents have a high level of readiness for using mobile learning based on the three constructs that have been studied, namely knowledge, attitude and motivation.