ISSN: 2265-6294

The Role of Organizational Integrity In Achieving Organizational Excellence: An Analytical Study Of The Opinions Of A Sample Workers

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Rounaq Kadhem Hussin, Maryam Khanjar Oudah


The research aims to test the role of organizational integrity in its dimensions (Optimism, Empathy, Trust, Tolerance)in achieving organizational excellence through its dimensions (administrative excellence, employee excellence, organizational structure excellence, strategic excellence). Paying attention to it in the field, as well as identifying the appropriate procedures by the organization. The research was conducted on a number of workers in private hospitals in the middle Euphrates region as a field for study and testing of its hypotheses. The questionnaire was adopted as a main tool in collecting data related to the field aspect of the research, and the Sample size is random (243), and the research used in the analysis many statistical methods such as standard deviations, arithmetic averages, and structural equation modeling with the help of statistical programs (SPSS.var.27), (AMOS.var.26), and a set of results were reached, the most important of which is the existence of a relationship Correlation and impact of organizational integrity on organizational excellence.

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