ISSN: 2265-6294

The Role of the Human Resources Information Systems in Enhancing the Organizational Creativity Process (A case study in the International Amazon company – Jordan)

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Ahmad Nader Aloqaily


This study aims to identify human resources information systems and their role in enhancing organizational creativity - in the Amazon Company-Jordan, and to achieve the objectives of the study, we used a questionnaire to collect data and distributed it electronically to the study population of (100) employees, and the number of retrieved questionnaires valid for statistical analysis was (80) questionnaires. It is used in the statistical analysis of data, descriptive analysis. The study also reached several results: The results showed a statistical effect of performance systems on organizational creativity at Amazon, and the significance of this effect is confirmed by the value of T (4.96) and in statistical significance (0.00), which is a function of the level of significance (α≤0.05).

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