ISSN: 2265-6294

The Urgency of Utilizing Restorative Justice as An Alternative in the Enforcement of Medical Crime in Indonesia

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Sigit Setiaji,Adi Sulistiyono,Isharyanto


This paper aims to describe the urgency of using restorative justice as an alternative to resolving medical crimes. In the Indonesian legal system, medical crimes are understood as medical crimes and are understood as forms of criminal acts committed in the context of the implementation of the medical profession, which is enforced through special laws and regulations. This paper is the result of normative legal research. Based on the results of the study, it is known that the problem in law enforcement for medical crimes lies in the unclear provisions of medical crimes in Law 36/2009 concerning health resulting in the enforcement of medical crimes subject to the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code so that it can be said that the paradigm of medical crimes and ordinary crimes in the context of to Indonesia is still considered the same. Furthermore, alternative enforcement of medical crimes based on restorative justice is important regarding suffering or material losses (light reading) experienced by victims due to crimes committed by other people.

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