ISSN: 2265-6294

The Watchers Are Being Watched". Defying Binary Oppositions Through the Mindful Use of Mimicry in Charabanc Theatre, Marie Jones's Somewhere over the Balcony

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Haidar Layke Hashim, Hazim Abdulhamza Mutar AL-Shabbani


Somewhere over the Balcony is one of Marie Jones's best play in which she tries to show and assert the Irish women identity. In this research I will try to explain, from a postcolonial perspective, how the writer defies the binary oppositions of gender and of place through applying Bhabha's notion of mimicry which leads Jones to transfer a domestic place of the balcony into a place that grants power and authority. The female protagonists grasp this power through the mindful use of mimicry. Orders of masculinity, of public and private places are all vanished when Jones defies sectarianism through the power of freedom that she gives to the three women characters.

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