Volume -15 | Issue -1
Volume -15 | Issue -1
Volume -15 | Issue -1
Volume -15 | Issue -1
Volume -14 | Issue -6
Development communication is the application of all forms of communication that supports community and national development processes. Nowadays, the media landscape has changed dramatically, resulting in the development of new formats that are consistent and appropriate to the context. The objective of this research was to study communication patterns and processes for community development. This study was participatory action research. The study from Piang Din San Pa Pao Community Enterprise, San Sai District, Chiang Mai Province was used. The tools used were in-depth interviews, participant observations and small group meetings. The results of the study showed that communication for the development of their community enterprise was the most needed by the community. Although the community lacks the capacity for communication and engagement, the community overall needs to improve its communication potential. Community development communication that is appropriate for the era is social media (such as Facebook) to promote the marketing of one's products while creating understanding among others in the community. Communication can enable people in the community to participate in community development for strength, self-reliance, and readiness for sustainable development.