Volume -15 | Issue -1
Volume -15 | Issue -1
Volume -15 | Issue -1
Volume -14 | Issue -6
Volume -14 | Issue -6
Founded in 2010 by Laure Bardiès (École normale supérieure de Cachan & ESM de Saint-Cyr) and Bernard Boëne, Res Militaris is produced today by an editorial team made up of:
Bernard Boëne (emeritus professor of sociology at the University of Rennes, former Director general for academic affairs and research at the French military academy Saint-Cyr, former recteur d’académie, laureate of the Morris Janowitz Career Achievement Award (Chicago, 2009), editor-in-chief ;
Dr. Martine Cuttier, associate research fellow in contemporary history, Université de Toulouse, deputy editor-in-chief ;
Dr. Antony Dabila, postdoctoral fellow, Institute for Strategic and Defence Studies, Université Jean Moulin, Lyon-III, assistant editor-in-chief ;
Alain F. Nizard, editorial adviser ;
Béatrice Lallouette, chief copy-editor.
Book Review Editors
Dr. Morten G. Ender, professor of sociology at the US Military Academy, West Point. [English]
Dr. Martine Cuttier, associate research fellow in contemporary history, Université de Toulouse. [French]
Patronage Committee
Bengt Abrahamsson, professor of sociology at Växjö Linnaeus University and the National Defence College (Försvarshögskolan), Stockholm.
Jean-René Bachelet, general (Ret.), former Inspector General of the French Army.
Jean Baechler, emeritus professor of sociology at Université de Paris-IV Sorbonne, member of the Académie des sciences morales et politiques.
Wilfried von Bredow, professor of political science, Philipps Universität Marburg.
Jean Guisnel, journalist, defence correspondent at the French weekly Le Point, author of the Défense ouverte blog.
Jacques Lautman, emeritus professor of sociology, Université d’Aix-Marseille-I, former director of social science research at the National Centre for Science, former coeditor-in-chief of the European Journal of Sociology (Cambridge University Press).
Frédéric Pons, journalist, former editor-in-chief of the French weekly Valeurs actuelles, analyst and editor of Conflits.
David Segal, emeritus professor of sociology, University of Maryland, former special adviser to the US Army chief of staff, former President of the Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces & Society.
Associate Editors
Stéphane Audoin-Rouzeau, senior research fellow (contemporary history) at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris.
Eyal Ben-Ari, senior research fellow at the Institute for Society, Security and Peace, Kinneret College, Israel.
Jean Callaghan, deputy director of research, George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, Garmisch-Partenkirchen.
Helena Carreiras, deputy director, Instituto da Defesa Nacional, Lisbon, and associate professor of sociology, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa.
Lindsay P. Cohn, associate professor of political science, US Naval War College.
Hervé Coutau-Bégarie †, chair, Institut de stratégie comparée (École pratique des hautes études), Paris.
Christopher Dandeker, emeritus professor of military sociology, Department of War Studies, King’s College, London.
Dominique David, executive director, Institut Français des Relations Internationales (IFRI), Paris.
François Dieu, professor of sociology, Université de Toulouse-I.
Jean-Louis Dufour, colonel (Ret.), consultant, extramural lecturer, ESM de Saint-Cyr, Sciences Po Paris & Université Saint-Joseph, Beirut.
Benoît Durieux, Ph.D., Lieutenant General (French Army), head of the Prime Minsister’s military staff.
Peter Feaver, professor of political science, Duke University.
Olivier Forcade, professor of contemporary history, Université de Paris-IV Sorbonne.
Louis Gautier, senior magistrate at the Court of Accounts, extramural professor of political science, Université de Lyon-III, former adviser to the Prime Minister on strategic and defence issues.
Michel Goya, Army colonel (Ret.), Ph.D., head of new conflict research, Institut de Recherche Stratégique (IRSEM), École Militaire, Paris.
Frédéric Guelton, colonel (Ret.), historian, editor-in-chief of Revue Historique des Armées.
Keith Hartley, professor of economics, York University, former editor-in-chief of Defence & Peace Economics.
Laurent Henninger, research associate, Centre d’études d’histoire de la Défense, Vincennes.
Beatrice Heuser, Chair, Department of International Relations, University of Glasgow.
Bastien Irondelle †, research associate, Centre d’études des relations internationales (CERI), Sciences Po Paris.
Jean-Charles Jauffret, emeritus professor of contemporary history, Institut d’études politiques, Aix-en-Provence.
Anthony King, professor of sociology, University of Warwick (UK).
Paul Klein, emeritus senior research fellow, Sozialwissenschaftliches Institut der Bundeswehr, Potsdam.
Ioanna Lekea, lecturer, Hellenic Air Force Academy, Athens.
Eric Letonturier, associate professor of sociology, Université de Paris-V Sorbonne.
Thomas Lindemann, professor of political science, Université de Bordeaux-IV.
Philippe Manigart, professor of social science, École royale militaire, Brussels.
Michel-Louis Martin, emeritus professor of political science, Université de Toulouse-I.
Martin Motte, senior research fellow, École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris.
Christophe Pajon, research associate, Air Force Academy Research Centre, Salon de Provence.
Jean-Jacques Roche, professor of international relations, Université de Paris-II, former director for academic affairs and research, Institut des Hautes Études de Défense Nationale, Paris.
Jose Rodrigues dos Santos, professor of anthropology, Academia Militar, Lisbon.
Joseph Soeters, professor of management, Royal Netherlands Military Academy, Breda.
Hew Strachan, Chichele professor of the history of war, All Souls College, Oxford University.
Vladimir Rukavishnikov, emeritus professor of political sociology and international relations at Moscow’s Higher School of Economics, consultant, member of the Russian Academy of Social Sciences.
Levent Ünsaldi, associate professor of sociology at the University of Ankara.
Biljana Vankovska, professor of political science, University of Skopje (Macedonia).
Alexandre Vautravers, security expert at the Global Studies Institute, University of Geneva, editor-in-chief of Revue Militaire Suisse.
Christophe Wasinski, research associate and lecturer at the Facultés Notre-Dame de Namur, at the Free University of Brussels and the Catholic University of Louvain.
Alise Weibull, senior research fellow (Ret.), National Defence College (Försvarshögskolan), Stockholm.
Donna Winslow †, cultural anthropologist, special advisor to the Commandant, U.S. Army Logistics University.