ISSN: 2265-6294

A Comprehensive Study on the Utilization of the Energy Using Mobile Solutions

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Shivasheesh Kaushik, Abhilash Singh, Ganesh Kumar


Renewable energy sources (RES) must be the sole practical source of clean energy there in the next years despite technological breakthroughs and the creation of novel sources easing the pressure to supply rising energy demand. This study looks at complex technological solutions for minimizing unanticipated events as well as practical techniques for reducing carbon emissions. This report provided information on the most recent COVID-19 illness, which caused a decline in energy consumption and affected the project corporation's powergenerating status quo. This study also looks at how power was used during the present coronavirus outbreak and in the period of improved technology solutions. This study also looked at the role that renewable fuels had in the effective management of energy consumption during the COVID-19 crisis. This study's main objective is to reveal how the current coronavirus outbreak affected energy prices and bills across several countries and how it made space for innovative power management. Energy demand adjustments and daily total pinpoint power prices for pumped storage production in countries have both fallen, and this figure will continue to go down in the years to come. Due to significant changes in the economy brought on by events like the COVID-19 outbreak, office space utilization, corporate travel, and transportation costs all significantly fell, with a significant shift toward renewable energy sources (RES).

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