ISSN: 2265-6294

A Study on Factors Influencing Organic Food and Purchase Intentions of IT Professionals

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Karthik Reddy, K. Saketh Reddy, Lokesh G R, D. Ashalatha


Organic food is more popular because it satisfies customers' concerns about food safety, human health, and the environment. Other factors, such as the food's nutritional content, flavor, freshness, and appearance, also play a role. The primary focus of this article is on the motivations, attitudes, and behaviors that lead IT professionals to choose organic food. This study used a multivariate linear regression analysis to identify factors that could account for people's propensity to purchase organic food items. To make sense of the demographic data, descriptive statistics were used. Outcome of the study showing that the factors Health Consciousness and Safe for Consumption, Environmental Friendly, Price of the products, Food Safety, Local Origin and Nutrition Value are significantly influence on the purchase intentions of IT professionals. Further, it is also witnessed from the study that the factors are correlated to each other. The current study's findings provide the organic agricultural business with more helpful and effective inputs. Manufacturers can create better tactics to achieve competitive advantage based on the trend in the results.

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