Volume -15 | Issue -1
Volume -15 | Issue -1
Volume -15 | Issue -1
Volume -14 | Issue -6
Volume -14 | Issue -6
Consumers are the predominant source behind every successful business. Gaining consumer attention is ultimate requirement to create implicit brand knowledge. It is essential that consumers spend time to view advertisements that instill brand information indicating their attitude towards advertisements. Consumers circumvent advertisements in any form to overcome the existing clutter. Scrutinizing consumer attitude towards advertisements is essential need of the hour that marketers should concentrate. Social media is the most happening platform mesmerizing mass with adorable content. Apart from being successful entertainment media, social media has proved and paved way for numerous business dealings. The study is descriptive in nature. A cross sectional study is undertaken with a sample size of 250 social media users selected through simple random sampling. The questionnaire was sent through Google forms to the sample which consisted of 14 questions to identify consumer attitude towards social media advertisements and its influential effect. A structural equation model was developed with the software AMOS.