ISSN: 2265-6294

A study on the influence of SELF HELP GROUPs on quality of life and saving pattern of women members of Palghar Taluka

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Archana Pawar,Usha Kishor Pamale


Self Help Groups have started playing important role in women’s life. Palghar taluka consists of many villages and padas. Palghar taluka consists of both tribal and urban areas where most of the women are dependent on their families or spouses. Despite their high ambitions, they are compelled to focus on their families due to the circumstances, orthodox thinking, illiteracy, and male domination. Women are not going out for work or to start their businesses due to existent socio-cultural complexities, as a society with deeprooted patriarchy, even if women want to attain employment, the dominant tradition of female domestic responsibility coupled with social stigma limits their economic advancement and access to opportunities in comparison with their male equivalents.

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