ISSN: 2265-6294

A Study on The Situation and Direction of Human Resource Development in The Thai Government System

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Phichak Phutrakhul


Human resource development (HRD) in the public sector is one of the most important factors in driving the government forward to be more adept in a fast-changing world. The administration and management of Thailand’s cabinet is divided into 20 ministries, with human resources in each ministry being the driving force in the missions assigned by the government for the best public interest. The HRD in each ministry is therefore of great importance, especially for the personnel to be highly competent in the modern world. This study aimed to explore the current situation, as well as the direction of HRD in the Thai government system. Key informants, personnel from the 20 government ministries of Thailand, were interviewed and the data retrieved were then analyzed using the software QDA Miner Lite. It was found that several different departments are currently responsible for the HRD in each ministry, but most of them are under the Office of the Permanent Secretary. The HRD can be divided into 4 paradigms – (1) personnel development, (2) human resource development, (3) strategic human resource development, and (4) human capital development – with self-development of the personnel being the most chosen approach and 6 HRD innovations also found. As for the directions of HRD in the future, it was found that self-development is the direction that each ministry seems to prioritize the most.

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