ISSN: 2265-6294

A Study to Analyze Relationship Between Age and Level of Awareness among Investors of Chhattisgarh Investing in Commodity Market

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Anju Verma,Dr. Daljeet Singh Wadhwa,Dr. Manoj Verghese


Investors are one of the pillars of the economy. Their behavior influences the performance of the market as an individual investor contributes to every investment decision of the market. This paper made an attempt to find a relationship between the age and level of awareness of the investors which leads to investors’ decision. It was found that the investors’ behaviours are influenced by the level of awareness and also there is a significant difference between the various age groups. When it comes to investment avenues majority of the investors prefer to go the stock or capital market rather than commodity market. This may be because investors are not aware about the investment avenues or categories where they can invest. This ignorance further leads to develop behavioural biases among the investors.

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