ISSN: 2265-6294

Academic Leaderships Role in the Jordanian Universities in Escorting Digital Transformations

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Amera Mohammad Mofleh Al Hammouri


This current study aimed at identifying the academic leadership’s role in escorting digital transformations at the Jordanian Universities, whereas the researcher utilized the analytical-descriptive approach, as the study sample consisted of (138) academic leader from the following Jordanian Universities: (The University of Jordan, Yarmouk University, and Tafila University), that were chosen according to simple random sampling. Moreover, the required data were collected via the designed questionnaire which was distributed upon three areas: Academic area, scientific research area, and managerial area). Indeed, the study concluded the following results: The degree of academic leaderships role at the Jordanian Universities in escorting digital transformations came in high degree at all areas, also the study showed a statically significant difference at the indication level (α≤0.05) between the Means of study sample estimations regarding the academic leaderships role at the Jordanian Universities in escorting digital transformations attributed to job title variable in favor of (Department Head), for the academic position variable in favor of (Assistant Professor), and for years of experience variable in favor of (More than 10 years). Accordingly, the study recommended the necessity of university management interest in spreading the university vision for escorting digital transformations at all the occupational levels.

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