ISSN: 2265-6294

Academic Supervision Management Head of Department In Improving Lecturers Performance

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David Hatigoran Hutagao,Ade Tutty R Rosa,Supyan Sauri,Yusuf


This research was motivated by the finding that the value of evaluating academic results was below the Pass standard "70" (C+), at the Bandung Staff and Command School (Seskoad) for several academic years, so it had to carry out grade improvements. This study aims to describe and analyze the management of department heads' academic supervision in improving lecturer performance. The theoretical basis used is supervision management theory and lecturer performance theory. This study is a qualitative research with a case study approach, to evaluate the results of lecturer performance research through interviews, observation and documentation studies. Data analysis through reduction, presentation, and conclusion. Data validity was carried out by extending the research time, data triangulation, member cheeking. Data is analyzed by interactive model. The research was conducted at the Bandung Staff and Command School.

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