ISSN: 2265-6294

Accountability for Archival Implementation in Realizing Service Quality Improvement in South Sulawesi Province

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I Gst Ayu Uik Astuti,Sangkala,Hasniati,Muh. Tang Abdullah,Muh. Akmal Ibrahim


The archival system has an important role in realizing good service quality, especially in Indonesia. In planning, analyzing, and making decisions, archive management is needed to support the provision of effective services to the public. The qualitative research method was used in this study because it was considered the most appropriate method in describing the phenomenon that occurred in the implementation of archives at the office of the Ministry of Religion of South Sulawesi Province. Primary Data Sources are derived from interview results supported by documentation as secondary data. In an interactive analysis, researchers move on to four components: data collection, reduction data, display data, and Concluding drawing, which consists of the sweeping and verification stages. The results of this study found that the implementation of archives at the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of South Sulawesi Province has been accountable by providing performance reports that are by physical evidence. Maximum supervision is still needed in the implementation of the duties of the JFT archivist following the level of position by using performance reports accompanied by proof of work.

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