ISSN: 2265-6294

Administration of Justice and Functioning Of Supreme Court in India: - A Critical Analysis

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Vinay Kumar Kashyap, Konark Pratap Gupta, Vinay Kumar Kashyap


The preamble to the Constitution of India promises social, economic, and political justice to the people of India. The Supreme Court of India is and has been the last alternative available to the people of India to achieve the preamble objective of the Constitution of India. In a healthy, vibrant, and steady democracy, it is a prerequisite that the legal system should be healthy, impartial, and independent. In addition to the independence and neutrality of the judiciary, the integrity of the judiciary is of supreme importance. The Integrity of the judiciary is the symbol of judicial discipline, the burden to maintain judicial discipline lies on the judges, so that the trust of the people should not be affected and stunned. The functioning of the Supreme Court of India should be in accordance with the established principles of the rule of law. It should be kept in mind that the principle of non-arbitrariness is envisaged in the constitution of India which any organ of the state must adhere to. The constitutional scheme removes any kind of absolute discretion conferred on any authority of India and when such an important and noble cause of delivering justice to the common people of India it must be done without any reasonable apprehension of biasness. This paper tries to examine the administration of justice in the Supreme Court of India and also gauge the discretionary power of the Chief Justice of India.

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