ISSN: 2265-6294

Agriculture E-Marketplace Performance and Consumers’ Trust in Its Utilization

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Reni Diah Kusumawati,Teddy Oswari,Tristyanti Yusnitasari,Himanshu Dutt,Yudianto Ari Wibisono


Although economic growth overall has shrunk during this pandemic, Indonesian agricultural output has been growing. This positive growth has little or no impact on farmer’s conditions. This low impact can be attributed to distribution systems that involve layers of middlemen who exploit farmers. To break this long, ineffective distribution system, a marketplace model is required to help farmers reach out to consumers directly. This study aims to examine consumers’ perception and trust in buying agricultural products on an e-marketplace. Results show that e-marketplace performance and consumer trust have positive effects on the utilization intention of agricultural e-marketplaces.

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