ISSN: 2265-6294

Alternative Empowers Aspects of Socio-Cultural Life of Poor Fishermen in Olimeyala Village, Biluhu District, Gorontalo Regency

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Safwan T. Bano,Ansar Arifin,Munsi Lampe,Mashadi


Many fishing community studies are themed around poverty alleviation, empowerment of fishing communities, improving the welfare of fishing communities, livelihood strategies, and so on. In fact, various government programs are also related to poverty and fishermen's welfare. The purpose of this study is to formulate an alternative empowerment of aspects of the sociocultural life of poor fishermen in Olimeyala Village, Biluhu District, Gorontalo Regency. The research method used is a qualitative approach with the type of research used descriptivequalitative research. The design of this study is based on a paradigm that is depicted the nature of the problem and the suitability of assumptions. The type of data collected is primary data sourced from respondents, namely fishing communities. The determination of respondents was carried out by random sampling techniques. The results of the study obtained: Diversification The work performed includes; Becoming a coconut-peeler day laborer, Farming; Becoming a cultivator farmer, becoming construction worker, help seaweed farmers, all of which are alternative incomes to guard against poverty. Government Program assistance, through the Covid-19 BLT Program, is considered quite good, where the nominal BLT obtained by the KPM is already quite helpful, and they can make the best use of the assistance provided.

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