ISSN: 2265-6294

An Emperical Analysis of the Preferences of Consumers towards the Purchase Decision of High End Bikes in the Geographical Region of Nagpur

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Amina Mohsin Ali,Ravindra Gharpure


This study aims to investigate the factors influencing customers' purchasing decisions for high-end bikes in the Nagpur region of India. Specifically, it focuses on the brands Harley Davidson, Kawasaki, and Royal Enfield. The study also provides recommendations to highend bike manufacturers and dealers based on its findings. Design The study follows an empirical research approach to examine the key parameters that impact customers' buying behavior in the high-end bike market. It specifically targets the geographical region of Nagpur, India, and concentrates on the aforementioned brands. Methodology The research employs a quantitative methodology to gather data and analyze the factors influencing customers' purchase decisions for high-end bikes. It involves collecting relevant information through surveys or questionnaires distributed to potential customers in Nagpur. The collected data is then statistically analyzed to determine the significance of different factors affecting customers' buying behavior.

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