ISSN: 2265-6294

An Empirical Analysis of Performance Measurement and Market Timing Ability of Mutual Fund Managers in an Unprecedented Economic Environment in India

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Namita Srivastava,Nivi Srivastava,Garima Srivastava


A pool of funds administered by an investing firm is referred to as a mutual fund. Low A pool of funds administered by an investing firm is referred to as a mutual fund. Low transaction costs, portfolio diversity, and expert management are all the benefits included in it. One of the most common financial methods in the financial climate is investment through mutual funds. As a result, a lot of work has gone into analysing the mutual fund. The period of study was 27 month approximately starting from 1 st January 2020 to 28th April 2022.Reason for selecting the time period was unveiling the performance of selected mutual funds due to unlikely behaviour of the stock market. A pool of funds administered by an investing firm is referred to as a mutual fund. Low A pool of funds administered by an investing firm is referred to as a mutual fund. Low transaction costs, portfolio diversity, and expert management are all the benefits included in it. One of the most common financial methods in the financial climate is investment through mutual funds. As a result, a lot of work has gone into analysing the mutual fund. The period of study was 27 month approximately starting from 1 st January 2020 to 28th April 2022.Reason for selecting the time period was unveiling the performance of selected mutual funds due to unlikely behaviour of the stock market.

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