ISSN: 2265-6294

Analysis Of Training System of Scientific Personnel Based On The Principles Of Innovative Management

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Norov Asror Egamberdiyevich


The article proposes a model that allows obtaining quantitative information about the capabilities of the university in the training of scientific personnel, the effectiveness of scientific research, the effectiveness of training doctoral students in a specific scientific specialty (group of specialties, field of science) and provides an opportunity for a comparative analysis of the activities of doctoral students. Also presented is an approach to the analysis of the training of scientific personnel in higher educational institutions, a methodology for assessing the state and prospects for providing personnel in priority scientific areas for the state. In addition, a system for assessing the scientific potential and effectiveness of postgraduate education is presented. It is shown that such assessments can be obtained as a result of surveys conducted among employers (structural divisions of scientific institutions, universities, heads of large scientific enterprises) and doctoral students.

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