Volume -15 | Issue -1
Volume -15 | Issue -1
Volume -15 | Issue -1
Volume -14 | Issue -6
Volume -14 | Issue -6
The employment of appraisal theory into specialized literally genre studies is, in general, marked by its absence. Though it provides the possibilities for analysing what speakers or writers imply in text. Nonetheless, appraisal theory is increasingly being applied in different fields and in the examination of many texts, preceding studies have mostly isolated specific markers rather than trying for a more holistic framework (Alsina et al., 2017, pp.2-5). This study proposes that it is possible to combine approaches from critical discourse analysis with appraisal theory to broaden one's perspective on the many factors beyond the individual's control that shape an evaluation's final form and intended meaning. The data for this study was collected from Jose Saramago’s Blindness, namely 10 extracts taken from the climax of the story. It was then analysed using Martin and White’s (2005) framework of appraisal theory, in relation to Fairclough's critical discourse analysis framework (1989). This study demonstrated that appraisal framework and to Fairclough's critical discourse analysis framework (1989) can be applied to an extended fiction text. The result of the analysis exposes Saramago's Marxist beliefs through the combination of both frameworks. The findings also demonstrated that the majority of the appraisals sub-categories attributed to attitude in the data are negative judgments, rather than affect or appreciation.