ISSN: 2265-6294

Assessment of Teachers and Students on Instructional Materials for Reading: Basis on the Developed Reading Strategy

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Jackson Jake U. Llames


Reading is one of the four (4) macro skills that value in-depth learning in various fields. The purpose of this study is to determine the activities and strategies used by teachers in selected public schools, and to ensure there is proper guidance for students that would aid in development of reading proficiency of teachers, students, and the institutions. Descriptive–mixed method of research was used to consolidate the information gathered. The study's respondents include 10 educators teaching in the 10th grade of Junior High School and 950 student respondents. The common future problem faced by teachers is lack of time allotted to read texts adequately and insufficient basic knowledge of the student's topic. There is a shortage of visual aids and libraries as well as other extreme factors that greatly affect students such as modern technology. Based on the teacher respondents, all activities in the Before Reading, While Reading and After Reading stages are Always Used while based on the student respondents, the Activities in the During Reading, After Reading and Frequently Used. It is suggested that subsequent researchers conduct more similar studies that may focus on aspects of reading instruction not covered by this study.

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