ISSN: 2265-6294

Authenticity of the Sunnah of Prophet: Investigating and Refuting Suspicious Allegations in Contemporary Times

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Ayad Kamil Ibrahim Al-Zeebaree,Abdulhaq Hunar Auny Al-Akrawi


The present research study aims to investigate the suspicious allegations about the authenticity of the Sunnah of the Prophet Mohammed. The aim is also to refute the false accusations and arguments following a systematic analysis with detailed examples. Being the second important source in Islam after Quran, the study emphasizes the authenticity of the Sunnah of the Prophet and it addresses the concerns of originality raised about it. An analytical approach is employed to premise the rebuttals of the suspicious allegations. The findings of the study reveal that the Sunnah of the Prophet is a necessity to understand, clarify, explain, and interpret the Holy Qur’an. It is essential for clarifying what is vague, what is general and what is specific in the Holy Quran. Moreover, the Sunnah adds new provisions. The affiliation of those who deny the Prophet’s Sunnah to the Qur’an is invalid, because the Qur’an and the Sunnah come out of one source, which is the infallible divine revelation. Based on the findings, it is recommended to establish a center for the research of the Prophetic Sunnah and its sciences, including members from different Islamic. This centre must be affiliated to one of the major Islamic organizations, such as the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, to be a reference for member states in the projects of the application of the Sunnah of the Prophet and responding to the suspicions raised about it.

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