ISSN: 2265-6294

Betterment of Educational Quality via Optimizing the Potential of Educational Institutions in Indonesia

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Sunda Ariana,Obsatar Sinaga


Like in any other sector, quality management has also become an essential factor in the educational sector, encouraging many primary and secondary educational institutions to promote innovative and effective methods to ensure their educational quality. In this context, the student's feedback and management of the educational institutions are also important to make required amendments. Various scholars have focused on the significance of quality management in the context of staff and education management in different schools and colleges. Very little focus was given to educational quality in this regard. Therefore, the present study explores the relationship between university management, educational quality, and university performance in Indonesia. Data was collected from 312 respondents, and SEM was used to test the developed hypotheses. The results of the present quantitative study show that educational quality and university management significantly impact the university's performance.

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