ISSN: 2265-6294

Bibliometric Analysis on Indigenous Communities and Their Adoption of Fintech

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This paper emphasizes on the power of modern computing and the innovation of smart devices which truly reflect the way indigenous peoples see the world. However, we need infrastructure in regions which are populated by indigenous communities to encourage the residents to the next level who are enhancing their knowledge and are interested to tap into these digital finance resources. We have an opportunity to close the digital skill gap for the indigenous communities, for better business participation in the digital finance world, to collaborate with indigenous groups to achieve equity in this digitalization. More than 65% of the Indian population resides in rural areas, out of them only 28% of the rural population has infrastructure like mobile networks and connectivity through the smartphone. The lack of infrastructure, perplexity in the banking process, and literacy level among the indigenous people are very low for this reason it is very difficult for them to adopt digital finance. The increasing penetration of the internet among cities is providing momentum to Fin-Tech in rural areas and the change is already visible to all through the number of transactions available in the database of FinTech transactions. This paper explores the challenges and perception of indigenous peoples and suggests measures to accelerate the inclusiveness of indigenous peoples and their adoption of digital finance. This study finds out that for indigenous people, tourism is an important source of income. People leave their comfort zones and adopt fintech because of the necessity of this platform, which causes them to adapt to digital transactions. According to the analysis, India has produced a significant amount of literature in the fields of digital transactions and fintech adoption. The cluster of keywords we can see includes demonetization, which suggests that demonetization may have had a significant impact on the growth in publications.

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