ISSN: 2265-6294

Case-Technology in Higher Education: Possibilities of Application in Design-Education

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Lyajsan Habibulhakovna Kadyjrova,Rustem Nailevich Shamsutdinov,Timur Rashitovich Kadyirov,


The demand for design services is growing exponentially. In conditions of high competition in the labor market, more stringent demands and requirements for training specialists from employers, a future designer must have deep theoretical and practical training for professional activities in order to flexibly respond to any changes and creatively approach the performance of professional tasks [1]. The solution to this problem can be an arsenal of case-technology. Its application allows realizing problem learning, assessing the formation of competencies (the ability to work in a team, the ability to self-organize and self-education, the ability to search, store, process and analyze information, the ability to put forward original solutions in creative activity) [2].

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