ISSN: 2265-6294

Communication between society and green areas and their sustainability

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Hussein Hani Mohammed, Ali Hussein Muhammad


The importance of the research lies in the fact that it presents a study of one of the modern topics in the field of planning, to which we find a broad global trend, and that the human relationship with the natural environment and his desire to interact and communicate with it, was and still is one of the main reasons that prompted him to pay attention to it and its availability near his home, and based on these considerations, the designers tried Providing open outdoor spaces in residential neighborhoods that contribute to meeting the residents' needs and their desire to communicate with nature and interact with each other through activities in them. Therefore, the research aims to clarify the concept of sustainability and sustainable development in all its dimensions, strategies, principles, classifications, and concepts related to green cities and ways to achieve them. Therefore, the research included two main axes, the first axis concerned with discussing the general lines of sustainability, and the second axis relates to the concept of green cities Thus, the research will deal with the most important general vocabulary and their relationship with each other ) Sustainability, sustainable development, green cities, green system, and connectivity in the green system

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