ISSN: 2265-6294

Competency based model for logistics and supply chain management

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S. Leonova,O. Dovhun,N. Hayvanovych,V


The key logistic competencies that are a prerequisite for the formation of a common logistic space and integration into global supply chains have been identified and systematized. The interrelation of professional training with the growth of competencies of supply chain managers is studied, the analysis of requests for such specialists in the labor market is carried out. The structure of the logistic efficiency index was studied, and a comparative analysis of the positions of Ukraine, Poland and Germany was conducted. The results of the analysis reflect the positive dynamics of LPI in Ukraine, but at the same time a significant lag behind the leaders in the European market.A correlation-regression analysis of the dependence of the level of GDP of Ukraine on the efficiency of logistics, labor force and export volumes was carried out. The constructed multifactor model proves the existence of a close relationship, so it is advisable to use it to assess and forecast the impact of these indicators on GDP. Given the identified trends in both Ukraine and Europe in general, a high overall level of logistics efficiency and each of the components of LPI in particular can be achieved by forming an effective set of infrastructure.

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