ISSN: 2265-6294

Computer games as a motivating teaching medium in teaching English to primary schoolchildren

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Artem Victorovich Drugov,Aigul Raisovna Gilmutdinova,Aida Gumerovna Sadykova,Elzara Vasilovna Gafiyatova


The research considers the efficiency of using computer games in teaching the English language to primary schoolchildren. The aim of the study was to reveal that the reasonable use of computer games in English lessons has a motivating force which results in students’ developing linguistic competences, because students gain all-round experience through language skills and dynamic practical activity. The findings of the research testify that foreign language teaching including elements of computer technology has a motivational capacity for the assimilation of knowledge and results in a better mastering the language simultaneously allowing to tackle other educational tasks: to accelerate the process of assimilation of theoretical material, to increase the volume of completed tasks, the cognitive activity of students and to develop their creativity. The timeliness of the research lies in the fact that the spread of the coronavirus infection COVID-19 and quarantine restrictions have created the need for expanded use of computer technology making teachers adapt to new, rapidly changing environment.

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