ISSN: 2265-6294

Conflict management in the organization

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Svetlana S. Velikanova,Makhabat G. Abilova,Ivan V.Grigoriev,Tatiana P. Volkova,Svetlana Y. Rubtsova,Anna V. Malaeva


An analysis of the competencies to be demonstrated by organisation's employees as reflected in the professional standards allows us to identify the main areas for employee training that have a positive impact on the challenges of the external environment. At the same time, employees of an organisation, as a rule, have different professional training and practical experience. From this perspective, the phenomenon of intra-company training of employees of organisations, which should be understood as training carried out on the basis of the organisations and aimed at achieving its development goals, becomes relevant. In the professional activities of employees, the leading position is taken by communication as a mechanism of using communicative links, which can have both positive and negative impact on professional activity effectiveness.

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