ISSN: 2265-6294

Continuing teacher development challenges- a case of Mpumalanga province, South Africa

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Emmanuel Mutambara,Amos Simelane


The primary purpose of this study was to explore the continuing teacher development challenges with specific reference to Mpumalanga province in South Africa. A total of ten (10) school principals from primary, secondary and combined schools participated in the study. The participants were selected using the convenience sampling method, considering their distance, knowledge base and desire to contribute to the study. The study was qualitative using the interpretivism philosophy. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews employing open-ended questions. Data were analysed using the NVIVO data analysis software. The findings revealed some blind-spot challenges teachers face during and after continuing teacher development sessions that policymakers could not identify. The study recommended the need for tertiary intuitions to introduce professional development as a study programme, CPTD userfriendly software, and the government should allow early retirement without penalties on a pension for senior teachers as well as linking principals’ promotion to professional development.

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