ISSN: 2265-6294

Conversation with the Past: Oral History in India

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Remya V.P, Remya V.P.


Historical methods are exploring effective sources and methodologies to make history writing more effective and inclusive. In this endeavor oral sources and traditions have been more rewarding. Yet, it is still looked upon with apprehension, mainly due to the its unconventional nature, difficulty in validation and historicity. As western academia approach oral evidences to preserve the present for future through documentation and digitization, the Indian scenario present a different context. Indian society has been oral throughout its past, and literacy becoming a popular aspect only with independence, the majority of India’s history has been preserved through oral mediums. Hence, any inquiry into India’s past without consulting the oral sources would be incomplete and devoid of the mass population. It is argued here that to construct the history of an oral society, oral sources are essential and it is possible to write oral history following methodological rigor to make a factual, truthful history.

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