ISSN: 2265-6294

COVID-19 Pandemic from the Perspective of Realist Theory and Constructivist Theory in International Relations

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Adel AbdulHamza Thgeel, Israa Iqbal Kadhum


Covid-19 pandemic represents one of the biggest challenges facing the international system, due to the effects and repercussions it has had on various aspects of life (political, economic, etc.), and the impact of all of this on the shape that the world may look like after the pandemic, just as not all countries were Ready to deal with this pandemic efficiently, which led to reactions that ranged between isolationism and cooperation, which resulted in tension in international politics in light of the current international system, and thus the discussion escalated between theories of international relations. Constructivists believe that the international system is a social structure based on the language and discourse prevailing during the pandemic.

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