ISSN: 2265-6294

Criticism of the Imperial Policy of Acculturation of "Foreigners" in The Works of Russian Authors (Kulturtragers) in the Second Half of the Xix Century

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Anvar Ajratovich Gafarov,Alikhan Anvarovich Gafarov


The common place in the eastern policy of European powers was the problem of the acculturation of colonized peoples in the XIX century. Their colonial expansion in the East has become purposeful and planned in the early modern period. The new empires1, as they turned to direct colonial administration, became acutely aware of the growing need for edu-cated natives who could serve in the colonial administration, as well as work in the emerging complexly mechanized enterprises. The most important task was to instill in the natives a sense of indissoluble unity with the mother country, involvement in the creation of a great empire. However, despite some successes, the Europeanization of the Eastern peoples in Rus-sia in the XIX century caused considerable concerns among Russian cultural authors (kul-turtragers), since it, along with the benefits of Western civilization, brought a lot of negative aspects to the life of foreigners that destroyed the foundations of their spiritual, socio-cultural system. The aim of this study is to determine the nature of assessments of the imperial cultur-al policy towards foreigners, given in the works of Russian authors (kulturtragers).

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