ISSN: 2265-6294

Cultural Violence in Khidhr and Tashari Novels

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Mahmood Kareem Slubi


The present study tackles the definition of cultural violence, which results in the exclusion of the other in imposing an idea or action on an individual or group, which causes a violation and ignorance of the personality of the other, and the transformation of the symbiotic relationship between power and society into an authoritarian relationship. The present study is divided into two sections. Section one tackles the (Khidhr and The Olive Era) novel In seeing it on the marginalized class, and how they face the violence of the ruling authority. Section two tackles the (Tashari) novel. It sheds light on the educated class, mixing in its narration of the marginalized class of servants and simple people. The writer in narration rose to the upper classes of the President of France, the Pope, and others, and how the educated class of the Christian doctor faced violence from 1958 to the present day. The present study is concluded with a conclusion that summarizes its most important findings.

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