ISSN: 2265-6294

Curve Fitting Model Analysis of Cyber Crimes, Cyber Bullying and Online Sexual Exploitation in India

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Dr.TRR.Gopalakrishnan,Dr.K.Ravichandran,SenthilKumar Ilango


Mobile phones and the Internet are not only powerful tools but they can also become great weapons and have the same impact as physical abuse on the Internet against women. In this era, when technology is entering all the cornerstones of the world, the repercussions of which are much greater. Devices that are connected to the internet have become an in-evitable tool for all sections of the society including women and young girls. Thus, there are already millions of women around the world who are being targeted for sexual violence while online. With the development of internet technologies, and the advent of social media, there have been new ways of predating victims.

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