ISSN: 2265-6294

Customer Satisfaction on the Post-Purchase Services of anAutomotive Company

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May Rose Maynes Villegas,Desserie T. Maynes-Blanco


The study aimed to assess the customer satisfaction of car owners on the post-purchase services of an automotive dealer company. It adopted the descriptive method with 385 car owners as respondents who answered the researcher-made questionnaire. Results showed that the car-owner respondents were very satisfied with the post-purchase services of the automotive dealer in terms of tangibles, assurance, and empathy, and they were only satisfied with responsiveness and reliability. The researcher recommends that turnaround time of service msut be communicated well to the customers, suggestion box/es should be seen in conspicuous areas of the service cener to solicit customers’ recommendation and/or complaint on the services, customer lounge should be readily available for those waiting for their units to be serviced, and automotive dealer companies must reduce wait times at queue lines to keep their customers satisfied.

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